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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Enriching Data Lakes with Knowledge Graphs (short paper)., , , , , , und . TEXT2KG/MK@ESWC, Volume 3184 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 123-131., (2022)The Computer Science Ontology: A Comprehensive Automatically-Generated Taxonomy of Research Areas., , , , , und . Data Intell., 2 (3): 379-416 (2020)Databases and Information Systems in the AI Era: Contributions from ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Workshops and Doctoral Consortium., , , , , , , , , und 14 andere Autor(en). ADBIS/TPDL/EDA Workshops, Volume 1260 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 3-20. Springer, (2020)Forecasting Technology Migrations by means of the Technology-Topic Framework., , und . ISWC (Posters, Demos & Industry Tracks), Volume 1963 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2017)The Smart Book Recommender: An Ontology-Driven Application for Recommending Editorial Products., , , und . ISWC (P&D/Industry/BlueSky), Volume 2180 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2018)Datasets and analysis for "Geographical trends in academic conferences: an analysis on authors' affiliations"., , und . (Februar 2019)Classifying Scientific Topic Relationships with SciBERT., , , , , , und . SEMANTiCS (Posters, Demos, Workshops & Tutorials), Volume 3759 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2024)A POV-Based User Model: From Learning Preferences to Learning Personal Ontologies.. UMAP, Volume 7899 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 376-379. Springer, (2013)SAVE-SD 2017: Third Workshop on Semantics, Analytics and Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data., , , und . WWW (Companion Volume), Seite 1681-1682. ACM, (2017)Generating Knowledge Graphs by Employing Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Techniques within the Scholarly Domain., , , , und . CoRR, (2020)