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Adaptive Layouts and Nesting Templates for Hypermedia Composite Templates.

, , and . WebMedia, page 189-196. ACM, (2015)

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Challenges in Interactive Multimedia Document Consistency Verification., and . WebMedia, page 9-10. ACM, (2016)EDITEC: hypermedia composite template graphical editor for interactive tv authoring., , and . ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, page 77-80. ACM, (2011)XTemplate 3.0: adding semantics to hypermedia compositions and providing document structure reuse., and . SAC, page 1892-1897. ACM, (2010)EDITEC - a graphical editor for hypermedia composite templates., , and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 70 (2): 1167-1198 (2014)A Model-driven Approach for the Analysis of Multimedia Document., , and . SLE (Doctoral Symposium), volume 935 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 37-44., (2012)STyLe: Extending NCL for providing Dynamic Layouts., , and . WebMedia, page 71-78. ACM, (2016)NCL-Tester: Graphic Application for NCL Documents Temporal Test Creation., , , and . WebMedia, page 91-94. ACM, (2016)Adaptive layouts for authoring NCL programs., , and . WebMedia, page 205-208. ACM, (2013)XTemPlate 3.0 language: easing the authoring of NCL programs for interactive digital TV., and . WebMedia, page 17. ACM, (2009)Enhancing Player Levels in the Nim Game Using Genetic Algorithms., , , , , , , and . SBGames, page 532-546. SBC, (2024)