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Adaptive Layouts and Nesting Templates for Hypermedia Composite Templates.

, , and . WebMedia, page 189-196. ACM, (2015)

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Adding temporal semantic to textual media objects with eye tracking technology., , and . WebMedia, page 217-220. ACM, (2019)STyLe: Extending NCL for providing Dynamic Layouts., , and . WebMedia, page 71-78. ACM, (2016)A proposal for supporting sensory effect rendering in ginga-NCL., , , , , and . WebMedia, page 273-280. ACM, (2019)XTemplate 4.0: Providing Adaptive Layouts and Nested Templates for Hypermedia Documents., , and . MMM (1), volume 9516 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 642-653. Springer, (2016)Interactive 360-degree Videos in Ginga-NCL Using Head-Mounted-Displays as Second Screen Devices., , , , , , , and . WebMedia, page 289-296. ACM, (2020)Adaptive Layouts and Nesting Templates for Hypermedia Composite Templates., , and . WebMedia, page 189-196. ACM, (2015)Providing adjustable and dynamic spatial layouts for multimedia applications with STyLe., , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 79 (35-36): 25989-26021 (2020)Adaptive layouts for authoring NCL programs., , and . WebMedia, page 205-208. ACM, (2013)Modeling sensory effects as first-class entities in multimedia applications., , , , , , and . MMSys, page 225-236. ACM, (2018)