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Self-organizing processes: The Sound of many Hands Clapping, , , , и . Nature, 403 (6772): 849--850 (2000)The role of internal stresses on the plastic deformation of the Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy AA6111, , , и . Philosophical Magazine, 88 (5): 621--640 (февраля 2008)Quantitative criterion for recrystallization nucleation in single-phase alloys: Prediction of critical strains and incubation times, , и . Acta Materialia, (2006)Study of large strain deformation of dilute solid solutions of Al-Cu using channel-die compression, , , , и . Materials Science and Engineering A, 207 (2): 143 - 152 (1996)High-K dielectric deposition in 3D architectures: The case of Ta2O5 deposited with metal-organic precursor TBTDET., , , , , и . Microelectron. Reliab., 47 (4-5): 700-703 (2007)Physics of the rhythmic applause, , , , и . Phys. Rev. E, 61 (6): 6987--6992 (июня 2000)On the activation of recrystallization nucleation sites in Cu and Fe, , , , и . Materials Science and Engineering: A, 502 (1-2): 70--78 (2009)Modelling of solidification and heat treatment for the prediction of yield stress of cast alloys, , , , , и . Acta Materialia, 50 (5): 901 - 927 (2002)Modelling isothermal and non-isothermal recrystallization kinetics: Application to Zircaloly-4, , , и . Journal of Nuclear Materials, (2007)