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pyBKT: An Accessible Library of Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Models.

, , and . EDM, International Educational Data Mining Society, (2021)

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Detecting the Learning Value of Items In a Randomized Problem Set., and . AIED, volume 200 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 499-506. IOS Press, (2009)Classifying Learner Behavior from High Frequency Touchscreen Data Using Recurrent Neural Networks., , , , and . UMAP (Adjunct Publication), page 317-322. ACM, (2018)The Composition Effect: Conjuntive or Compensatory? An Analysis of Multi-Skill Math Questions in ITS., , , and . EDM, page 147-156., (2008)Data-Assistive Course-to-Course Articulation Using Machine Translation, , and . Proceedings of the Sixth (2019) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, ACM, (June 2019)Dynamic Approaches to Modeling Student Affect and its Changing Role in Learning and Performance., , and . UMAP, volume 9146 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 92-103. Springer, (2015)Design and Deployment of a Better University Course Search: Inferring Latent Keywords from Enrollments., , and . EDM, International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS), (2019)Binary Q-matrix Learning with dAFM., and . EDM, International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS), (2019)AI for Adaptive Tutoring and Transfer Student Success.. CSEDU, page 7. SCITEPRESS, (2024)Explainable Automatic Grading with Neural Additive Models., and . AIED (1), volume 14829 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 18-31. Springer, (2024)A Bounded Ability Estimation for Computerized Adaptive Testing., , , , , , , , and . NeurIPS, (2023)