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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Haar-Like Feature Based On-Line Boosting Tracking Algorithm with Directional Texture Entropy., , , und . PCM, Volume 8294 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 538-549. Springer, (2013)Adaptive anchor-point selection for single image super-resolution., , , , , und . VCIP, Seite 1-4. IEEE, (2017)DeepChart: Combining deep convolutional networks and deep belief networks in chart classification., , , , , , und . Signal Process., (2016)Image Manipulation Localization Based on Multiscale Convolutional Attention., , , , , und . PRCV (7), Volume 14431 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 183-194. Springer, (2023)Cancelable Fingerprint Template Construction Using Vector Permutation and Shift-Ordering., , , und . IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput., 20 (5): 3828-3844 (September 2023)A localized piecewise constant model with kernel mapping and convex optimization for image segmentation., , , , und . ChinaSIP, Seite 161-165. IEEE, (2015)Unlocking Chain of Thought in Base Language Models by Heuristic Instruction., , , , , und . IJCNN, Seite 1-7. IEEE, (2024)Comparative study of color feature for particle filter based object tracking., , , , und . ICMLC, Seite 1104-1110. IEEE, (2012)Digital Watermarking Based on Stochastic Resonance Signal Processor., , , und . PCM, Volume 4810 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 367-376. Springer, (2007)An algorithm of polygonal approximation constrained by the offset direction., , , und . SIS, Seite 221-225. IEEE, (2014)