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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Three particle swarm algorithms to improve coverage of camera networks with mobile nodes., , , , und . BIC-TA, Seite 816-820. IEEE, (2010)On an aperiodic stochastic resonance signal processor and its application in digital watermarking., und . Signal Process., 88 (8): 2085-2094 (2008)Middle view stereo representation-an efficient architecture for teleconference with handling occlusions., und . ICIP (3), Seite 915-918. IEEE, (2001)An Efficient and Accurate Multi-Camera Calibration Algorithm., und . VMV, Seite 135-142. Aka GmbH, (2003)Robust Dense Disparity Estimation Using Hierarchical Adaptive Curve Matching., , und . VMV, Seite 323-330. Aka GmbH, (2002)On-line object tracking with semi-supervised boosting based particle filter., , , , , und . ICIMCS, Seite 345-348. ACM, (2013)A multiple face detection and tracking system based on TLD., , , , und . ICIMCS, Seite 386-389. ACM, (2013)Camera Network Coverage Improving by Particle Swarm Optimization., , und . EURASIP J. Image Video Process., (2011)Haar-Like Feature Based On-Line Boosting Tracking Algorithm with Directional Texture Entropy., , , und . PCM, Volume 8294 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 538-549. Springer, (2013)Low SNR Sonar Image Restoration Based on Mixed Probability Statistical Model in Wavelet Domain., , , , , und . ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom, Seite 1457-1465. IEEE, (2019)