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Predicting Metabolic Syndrome With Machine Learning Models of Hybrid Analysis., , , , , and . ICCE-Taiwan, page 263-264. IEEE, (2023)Design and implementation of a bluetooth air finger mouse., , , , , and . ICCE-TW, page 251-252. IEEE, (2014)An Analytical Model for DNS Performance with TTL Value 0 in Mobile Internet, , and . TENCON 2006. 2006 IEEE Region 10 Conference, (November 2006)Enabling Informed Choices of Mobile Applications Through Privacy Information Transparency., , and . ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2016)Multimodal metadata fusion using causal strength., , and . ACM Multimedia, page 872-881. ACM, (2005)Tractability and Decompositions of Global Cost Functions., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). CoRR, (2015)Arousal or Not? The Effects of Scarcity Messages on Online Impulsive Purchase., , and . HCI (24), volume 10294 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 29-40. Springer, (2017)Optimal Constellations Design for Trellis Coded Unitary Space-Time Modulation., and . PIMRC, page 67-71. IEEE, (2005)Multimodal information fusion for video concept detection., , , and . ICIP, page 2391-2394. IEEE, (2004)Robust Speaking Face Identification for Video Analysis., , , , , and . PCM, volume 4810 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 665-674. Springer, (2007)