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Leveraging auxiliary text terms for automatic image annotation., , , , and . WWW (Companion Volume), page 175-176. ACM, (2011)Observability Statement Coverage Based on Dynamic Factored Use-Definition Chains for Functional Verification., , , and . J. Electron. Test., 22 (3): 273-285 (2006)Multi-label multi-instance learning with missing object tags., , , and . Multim. Syst., 19 (1): 17-36 (2013)Leveraging large-scale weakly-tagged images to train inter-related classifiers for multi-label annotation., , , , and . LS-MMRM@ACM Multimedia, page 27-34. ACM, (2009)Incorporate Visual Analytics to Design a Human-Centered Computing Framework for Personalized Classifier Training and Image Retrieval., , , and . Advances in Information and Intelligent Systems, volume 251 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, (2009)Single-valued neutrosophic Schweizer-Sklar Hamy mean aggregation operators and their application in multi-attribute decision making., , , , and . J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst., 43 (3): 2833-2851 (2022)Global to Local: Clip-LSTM-Based Object Detection From Remote Sensing Images., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., (2022)Boundary-aware context neural network for medical image segmentation., , , , and . Medical Image Anal., (2022)Personalized Knowledge Acquisition through Interactive Data Analysis in E-learning System., , , , and . J. Comput., 5 (5): 709-716 (2010)An Efficient Greedy Incremental Sequence Clustering Algorithm., , , , , , , , and . ISBRA, volume 13064 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 596-607. Springer, (2021)