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PACT HDL: a C compiler targeting ASICs and FPGAs with power and performance optimizations.

, , , , , and . CASES, page 188-197. ACM, (2002)

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High Performance Parallel/Distributed Biclustering Using Barycenter Heuristic., , , and . SDM, page 1050-1061. SIAM, (2009)Tertiary Storage Organization for Large Multidimensional Datasets., and . IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems, page 203-210. (2000)Voice of the Customers: Mining Online Customer Reviews for Product Feature-based Ranking., , and . WOSN, USENIX Association, (2010)An Efficient Uniform Run-time Scheme for Mixed Regular-irregular Applications., , , and . International Conference on Supercomputing, page 61-68. ACM, (1998)A Compiler Algorithm for Optimizing Locality in Loop Nests., , and . International Conference on Supercomputing, page 269-276. ACM, (1997)Learning and Leveraging the Relationship between Architecture-Level Measurements and Individual User Satisfaction, , , , , , and . SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News, 36 (3): 427--438 (2008)Runtime Support for Out-of-Core Parallel Programs., and . Input/Output in Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems, Kluwer/Springer, (1996)An algorithm for synthesis of large time-constrained heterogeneous adaptive systems., , and . ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst., 6 (2): 207-225 (2001)Addressing application integrity attacks using a reconfigurable architecture., , and . FPGA, page 250. ACM, (2004)An Efficient Heuristic Scheme for Dynamic Remapping of Parallel Computations., , and . Parallel Comput., 19 (6): 621-632 (1993)