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An Experimental Study of Social and Psychological Aspects of Teleworking: The Implications for Tele-Education., и . WebNet, AACE, (1998)A New Horizon Beckons for Saudi Arabia in the Technological Age of e-Commerce & on-Line Shopping., , и . SIGMAP, стр. 362-367. INSTICC Press, (2007)Embracing e-Commerce: A Glimpse into the Future of on-Line Shopping in Saudi Arabia., , и . ICE-B, стр. 307-314. INSTICC Press, (2007)Determining the Factors Which Engender Customer Trust in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Electronic Commerce., , и . CEC, стр. 291-294. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Visual Metaphors to Enhance Hypermedia., , и . IV, стр. 484-489. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)The impact on education of the World Wide Web., и . WebNet, AACE, (1996)Embodiment and copresence in collaborative interfaces., , и . Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud., 61 (4): 453-480 (2004)Interaction paradigms with educational hypermedia., , , и . EUROMICRO, стр. 65-71. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)A Fuzzy Logic-Based Approach for Supporting Decision-Making Process in B2C Electronic Commerce Transaction., , и . IJEBR, 2 (2): 54-67 (2006)Are Media Cues Really a Key Driver towards Trust in Business to Consumer e-Commerce., , и . ICE-B, стр. 227-234. INSTICC Press, (2007)