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Formation flight control under communication failure., , , and . ROBOCOMM, volume 318 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 47. ICST/ACM, (2007)Edge Detection for Event Cameras using Intra-pixel-area Events., , and . BMVC, page 181. BMVA Press, (2019)SNeRL: Semantic-aware Neural Radiance Fields for Reinforcement Learning., , and . ICML, volume 202 of Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, page 31489-31503. PMLR, (2023)Application of Echo-State Networks to the Position Control of Shape-Memory Alloys., , , and . ALCOSP, page 712-717. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)Nonlinear Learning Control of Ionic Polymer Metal Composites., and . ALCOSP, page 233-238. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)Minimum Entropy Estimation of Hierarchical Random Graph Parameters for Character Recognition., and . ICPR, page 6050-6053. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Position-based monocular visual servoing of an unknown target using online self-supervised learning., , and . IROS, page 4467-4473. IEEE, (2019)Strategic Application of Feedforward Neural Networks to Large-Scale Classification., and . Complex Syst., (1992)Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning with Feasibility Guarantee using Relative Bernstein Polynomial., , , and . ICRA, page 434-440. IEEE, (2020)Stable adaptive control with online learning., and . NIPS, page 977-984. (2004)