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Strong Convergence Theorem of Implicit Iteration Process for Generalized Asymptotically Nonexpansive Mappings in Hilbert Space., , and . Int. J. Math. Mathematical Sciences, (2008)Delay-Constrained Input-Queued Switch., , , and . MobiHoc, page 318-319. ACM, (2018)Graph2MDA: a multi-modal variational graph embedding model for predicting microbe-drug associations., , , and . Bioinform., 38 (4): 1118-1125 (2022)Training deep neural networks with discrete state transition., , , , , , and . Neurocomputing, (2018)Network Latency Estimation With Leverage Sampling for Personal Devices: An Adaptive Tensor Completion Approach., , , , and . IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 28 (6): 2797-2808 (2020)PredHS: a web server for predicting protein-protein interaction hot spots by using structural neighborhood properties., , , , , and . Nucleic Acids Res., 42 (Webserver-Issue): 290-295 (2014)DeepDDS: deep graph neural network with attention mechanism to predict synergistic drug combinations., , , , and . Briefings Bioinform., (2022)A Real-Time Full Architecture for AVS Motion Estimation., , and . IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., 53 (4): 1744-1751 (2007)GXNOR-Net: Training deep neural networks with ternary weights and activations without full-precision memory under a unified discretization framework., , , , and . Neural Networks, (2018)Neural Network Model Extraction Attacks in Edge Devices by Hearing Architectural Hints., , , , , , , , , and . CoRR, (2019)