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How much power oversubscription is safe and allowed in data centers.

, , and . ICAC, page 21-30. ACM, (2011)

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Homeostasis-Based CNN-to-SNN Conversion of Inception and Residual Architectures., , , and . ICONIP (3), volume 11955 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 173-184. Springer, (2019)Multi-Aspect Heterogeneous Graph Augmentation., , , , , , , , , and . WWW, page 39-48. ACM, (2023)A One-Shot Learning Framework for Assessment of Fibrillar Collagen from Second Harmonic Generation Images of an Infarcted Myocardium., , , , , , and . ISBI, page 839-843. IEEE, (2020)How much power oversubscription is safe and allowed in data centers., , and . ICAC, page 21-30. ACM, (2011)A Unique Self-Sensing, Self-Actuating AFM Probe at Higher Eigenmodes., , , , , , and . Sensors, 15 (11): 28764-28771 (2015)SHORING: Design Provable Conditional High-Order Interaction Network via Symbolic Testing., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). CoRR, (2021)Priority and Dependency-Based DAG Tasks Offloading in Fog/Edge Collaborative Environment., , , and . CSCWD, page 440-445. IEEE, (2021)Dynamic Thermal and Timeliness Guarantees for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems., , and . RTCSA, page 403-412. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)PAUC: Power-Aware Utilization Control in Distributed Real-Time Systems., , , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 6 (3): 302-315 (2010)Clean-Image Backdoor Attacks., , , , , , , , and . ICANN (10), volume 15025 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 187-202. Springer, (2024)