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How much power oversubscription is safe and allowed in data centers.

, , and . ICAC, page 21-30. ACM, (2011)

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Coordinating Multiple Autonomic Managers to Achieve Specified Power-Performance Tradeoffs., , , , , , and . ICAC, page 24. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Server-Level Power Control., , and . ICAC, page 4. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Evaluation of a High Performance Code Compression Method., , and . MICRO, page 93-102. ACM/IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Adaptive energy management features of the POWER7TM processor., , , , , , and . Hot Chips Symposium, page 1-18. IEEE, (2010)Optimal power allocation in server farms., , , and . SIGMETRICS/Performance, page 157-168. ACM, (2009)FreqLeak: A frequency step based method for efficient leakage power characterization in a system., , , , , and . ISLPED, page 195-200. IEEE, (2015)Improving energy efficiency by making DRAM less randomly accessed., , , and . ISLPED, page 393-398. ACM, (2005)Power/Performance Controlling Techniques in OpenPOWER., , , , and . ISC Workshops, volume 10524 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 275-289. Springer, (2017)On evaluating request-distribution schemes for saving energy in server clusters., and . ISPASS, page 111-122. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Runtime power reduction capability of the IBM POWER7+ chip., , , , , , , , , and . IBM J. Res. Dev., (2013)