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A New Approach for In-Vehicle Camera Obstacle Detection by Ground Movement Compensation., , и . ITSC, стр. 151-156. IEEE, (2008)Detection and Estimation of Omni-Directional Pointing Gestures Using Multiple Cameras., , , и . MVA, стр. 345-348. (2000)Identifying Body Parts of Multiple People in Multi-Camera Images., , , , и . MVA, стр. 110-115. (2002)Estimation of Human Motion from Multiple Cameras for Gesture Recognition., , , , и . ICPR (1), стр. 401-404. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Multiple Faces Tracking and Zooming System., , , , и . ICMI, том 1948 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 168-175. Springer, (2000)Face and Head Detection for a Real-Time Surveillance System., , , и . ICPR (3), стр. 298-301. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Face Direction Estimation Using Multiple Cameras for Human Computer Interaction., , , и . ICMI, том 1948 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 222-229. Springer, (2000)Robust Facial Parts Detection by Using Four Directional Features and Relaxation Matching., , , и . KES, том 2774 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 882-889. Springer, (2003)Detection of a pointing target in a real environment., , , , , и . ICARCV, стр. 286-291. IEEE, (2002)Focus of Attention for Face and Hand Gesture Recognition Using Multiple Cameras., , , , и . FG, стр. 156-162. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)