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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Feature extraction by spline function for relaxation matching., , , , , und . ICASSP, Seite 213-216. IEEE, (1987)Recovery of superquadric primitives from a range image using simulated annealing., , und . ICPR (1), Seite 168-172. IEEE, (1992)An integration of PGP and MIME.. NDSS, Seite 17-25. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)DRUIDE : A Real-Time System for Robust Multiple Face Detection, Tracking and Hand Posture Recognition in Color Video Sequences., , , und . ICPR (3), Seite 302-305. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)A Comparison of the Gender Differentiation Capability between Facial Parts., , und . ICPR (1), Seite 350-353. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Integration of Pose Recognition for a Person Wearing Short or Long Sleeves., , , und . ICPR (3), Seite 1023-1026. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Face and Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction., , , und . ICPR, Seite 2921-2924. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Consideration of a Person/Photograph Distinction Using the Surface Direction Image., , und . CRV, Seite 195-200. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Livo: sing a song with a vowel keyboard., und . NIME, Seite 205-208., (2015)A Proposal of the Effective Recognition Method for Low-Resolution Characters from Motion Images., , , und . ICDAR, Seite 720-724. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)