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Dynamic Virtual Fences for Controlling Cows., , , и . ISER, том 21 из Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, стр. 513-522. Springer, (2004)CONVERSATIONSConversation with a prominent propagator: Leo Porter., , , , , и . Inroads, 11 (1): 12-15 (2020)Distributed systems of self-reconfiguring robots., , , и . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, стр. 69. ACM, (2002)Integrated Precision 3-DOF Position Sensor for Planar Linear Motors., , и . ICRA, стр. 3109-3114. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)An Integrated Interface Tool for the Architecture for Agile Assembly., и . ICRA, стр. 3097-3102. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, (1999)Event-Based Motion Control for Mobile-Sensor Networks., и . IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2 (4): 34-42 (2003)The Crystal Robot: Implementation and Demonstration., , и . AAAI Mobile Robot Competition, том WS-02-18 из AAAI Technical Report, стр. 65-71. AAAI Press, (2002)Distributed motion planning for modular robots with unit-compressible modules., , и . IROS, стр. 790-796. IEEE, (2001)Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Complete Sensor-Based Coverage in Rectilinear Environments., , и . ISER, том 271 из Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, стр. 417-426. Springer, (2000)Scalable Locomotion for Large Self-Reconfiguring Robots., и . ICRA, стр. 2248-2253. IEEE, (2007)