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Teachers as designers of technology enhanced learning, , и . Instructional Science, 43 (2): 173-179 (2015)Shaping Computer-Based Support for Curriculum Developers. Computers & Education, v50 n1 p248-261 Jan 2008, 50 (1): 248 (0101 2008)EM: 2007; RV: T.Design research from a curriculum perspective, , и . Educational design research, Routledge, New York, (2006)Teacher design of technology for emergent literacy: An explorative feasibility study, и . Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 37 (1): 4-12 (2012)Designing Science Curriculum for Implementation at Scale: Considerations for Diverse and Resource-Limited Settings., , , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2016)Exploring teachers' use of TPACK in design talk: The collaborative design of technology-rich early literacy activities., , и . Computers & Education, (2015)How Can the Learning Sciences (Better) Impact Policy and Practice?. (2017)Learning by design: Nourishing expertise and interventions, , и . Teacher learning in changing contexts, Routledge, (2022)Educational design research, , , и . Routledge, New York, (2006)Designing and researching technology-enhanced learning for the zone of proximal implementation. Research in Learning Technology, (2013)