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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Gut microbiome biomarkers in adolescent obesity: a regional study., , , , , , , und . Health Inf. Sci. Syst., 11 (1): 37 (Dezember 2023)Manufacturing and supply systems management. Advanced manufacturing series Springer, London u.a., (2000)Robust object tracking based on power-law probability map and ridge regression., , , , und . Multim. Tools Appl., 83 (8): 23047-23065 (2024)Coherence Scaling of Noisy Second-Order Scale-Free Consensus Networks., , , , , und . IEEE Trans. Cybern., 52 (7): 5923-5934 (2022)Optimal Data Caching and Forwarding in Industrial IoT With Diverse Connectivity., , , und . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 15 (4): 2288-2296 (2019)A Vegetation Nighttime Condition Index Derived From the Triangular Feature Space Between Nighttime Light Intensity and Vegetation Index., , , , und . IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens., (2023)How small are small mutation rates?, , , und . Journal of Mathematical Biology, 64 (5): 803--827 (2012)Robust Kernelized Multiview Clustering Based on High-Order Similarity Learning., , , , und . IEEE Access, (2022)Environmental quality and population welfare in Markovian eco-evolutionary dynamics., und . Appl. Math. Comput., (2022)Deep Meta-Learning: Learning to Learn in the Concept Space., , und . CoRR, (2018)