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Gut microbiome biomarkers in adolescent obesity: a regional study., , , , , , , and . Health Inf. Sci. Syst., 11 (1): 37 (December 2023)TSMH Graph Cube: A novel framework for large scale multi-dimensional network analysis., , and . DSAA, page 1-10. IEEE, (2015)A Novel Algorithm for Hierarchical Community Structure Detection in Complex Networks., , , , and . ADMA (1), volume 6440 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 557-564. Springer, (2010)A Distributed RDF Storage and Query Model Based on HBase., , and . WAIM Workshops, volume 9391 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 3-15. Springer, (2015)A novel architecture and media access protocol for cognitive radio based autonomous femtocell networks., , , and . WOCN, page 1-5. IEEE, (2013)Indirect Control of Capacitor Voltage Ripple and Circulating Current in a Modular Multilevel Converter., , , , and . IECON, page 3955-3960. IEEE, (2018)Widest Spanning Tree for Multi-Channel Multi-Interface Wireless Mesh Networks., , , and . WCNC, page 2194-2199. IEEE, (2008)KSC: A Fast and Simple Spectral Clustering Algorithm., , and . DSC, page 381-387. IEEE, (2019)M2-CYCLE: An optical layer algorithm for fast link failure detection in all-optical mesh networks., , , and . Comput. Networks, 55 (3): 748-758 (2011)Aspect Mining with Rating Bias., , , , and . ECML/PKDD (2), volume 9852 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 458-474. Springer, (2016)