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Tech Mentors, Warm Experts and Digital Care Work: Pandemic Lessons from a Remote Digital Literacy Training Program for Older Adults., and . HCI (29), volume 13330 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 411-431. Springer, (2022)Privacy, Technology and Telehealth: Canadian Older Adults Voice Their Concerns., , and . HCI (33), volume 14043 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 145-159. Springer, (2023)"Just Because You're Older...": Seniors Respond to Telecom Sales Practices in Canada., and . HCI (27), volume 12207 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 231-244. Springer, (2020)A Social-Media Study of the Older Adults Coping with the COVID-19 Stress by Information and Communication Technologies., , , , and . HCI (29), volume 13330 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 346-364. Springer, (2022)The Relationship Between the Seniors' Appraisal of Cognitive-Training Games and Game-Related Stress Is Complex: A Mixed-Methods Study., , and . HCI (44), volume 12426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 586-607. Springer, (2020)Accessing InterACTion: Ageing with Technologies and the Place of Access., and . HCI (25), volume 9193 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 210-220. Springer, (2015)The Cultural Apparatus: C. Wright Mills' Unfinished Work. The American Sociologist, 32 (1): 27--49 (2001)Virtual Museum Visits in a Pandemic: Older Adults Discuss Experiences of Art, Culture and Social Connection., and . HCI (30), volume 13331 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 383-397. Springer, (2022)Promising Practices in Collaborative Digital Literacy and Digital Media-Making with Older Adults., and . HCI (26), volume 10926 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 492-504. Springer, (2018)Media Arts Revisited: MARs, and . Canadian Journal of Communication, (March 2012)