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Reliable social sensing with physical constraints: analytic bounds and performance evaluation., , , , , and . Real Time Syst., 51 (6): 724-762 (2015)Texture Segmentation via Haar Fractal Feature Estimation., and . J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., 6 (4): 387-400 (1995)DeepCEP: Deep Complex Event Processing Using Distributed Multimodal Information., , , , , , and . SMARTCOMP, page 87-92. IEEE, (2019)Social Fusion: Integrating Twitter and Instagram for Event Monitoring., , , , and . ICAC, page 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Adaptive Sampling via Histogram Equalization using an Active Walker Model., , and . ACIS-ICIS, page 424-432. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Second-Order Learning and Inference using Incomplete Data for Uncertain Bayesian Networks: A Two Node Example., , , and . FUSION, page 1-8. IEEE, (2020)Target positioning and tracking in degenerate geometry., , , and . FUSION, page 1-8. IEEE, (2011)Functional Forms of Optimum Spoofing Attacks for Vector Parameter Estimation in Quantized Sensor Networks., , , and . CoRR, (2016)You can't get there from here: sensor scheduling with refocusing delays., , , , and . Wirel. Networks, 21 (5): 1683-1698 (2015)Uncertainty-Aware Deep Classifiers Using Generative Models., , , and . AAAI, page 5620-5627. AAAI Press, (2020)