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Near-infrared spectra of laboratory H2O-CH4 ice mixtures S.2005.10.021, , and . ICARUS, 181 (1): 302--308 (March 2006)Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer observations of Iapetus: Detection of CO2, , , , , , , , , and 19 other author(s). ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 622 (2): L149--L152 (2005)Compositional maps of Saturn's moon Phoebe from imaging spectroscopy, , , , , , , , , and 16 other author(s). Nature, 435 (7038): 66--69 (2005)Cassini/VIMS observations of the moon, , , , , , , , , and 12 other author(s). LUNAR EXPLORATION 2000, 30 (8): 1889--1894 (2002)A spectroscopic study of the surfaces of Saturn's large satellites: H2O ice, tholins, and minor constituents, , , , , , , , , and . Icarus, 175 (1): 268--283 (2005)Near-infrared (0.8-4.0 mu m) spectroscopy of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, and Rhea, , , , and . ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 435 (1): 353--362 (2005)Detection of ozone on Saturn's satellites Rhea and Dione, , , , and . Nature, 388 (6637): 45--47 (July 1997)The Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) investigation, , , , , , , , , and 12 other author(s). Space Science Reviews, 115 (1-4): 111--168 (2004)The composition of Centaur 5145 Pholus, , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). Icarus, 135 (2): 389--407 (October 1998)Detection of sub-micron radiation from the surface of venus by Cassini/VIMS, , , , , , , , , and 15 other author(s). Icarus, 148 (1): 307--311 (2000)