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Classification of MFSK modulated signals using the mean of complex envelope., и . EUSIPCO, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2000)BBN System Description for WMT10 System Combination Task., , , и . WMT@ACL, стр. 321-326. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2010)Expected BLEU Training for Graphs: BBN System Description for WMT11 System Combination Task., , , и . WMT@EMNLP, стр. 159-165. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2011)Rao-Blackwellised Gibbs sampling for switching linear dynamical systems., и . ICASSP (1), стр. 809-812. IEEE, (2004)Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Alignments for MT: An Empirical Study., и . EMNLP, стр. 667-673. ACL, (2010)Combining Outputs from Multiple Machine Translation Systems., , , , , и . HLT-NAACL, стр. 228-235. The Association for Computational Linguistics, (2007)Consensus Network Based Hypotheses Combination for Arabic Offline Handwriting Recognition., , , , , и . ICPR, стр. 2861-2864. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Factor analysed hidden Markov models., и . ICASSP, стр. 949-952. IEEE, (2002)System Combination Using Discriminative Cross-Adaptation., , , и . IJCNLP, стр. 667-675. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2011)Discriminative Corpus Weight Estimation for Machine Translation., , и . EMNLP, стр. 708-717. ACL, (2009)