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Modeling non-progressive phenomena for influence propagation., , , и . COSN, стр. 131-138. ACM, (2014)On Implementing SchemaLog - A Database Programming Language., , , и . CIKM, стр. 309-316. ACM, (1996)CELF++: optimizing the greedy algorithm for influence maximization in social networks., , и . WWW (Companion Volume), стр. 47-48. ACM, (2011)Exploiting Conflict Structures in Inconsistent Databases., и . ADBIS, том 6295 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 320-335. Springer, (2010)View-Based Tree-Language Rewritings for XML., и . FoIKS, том 8367 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 270-289. Springer, (2014)HeteroMF: recommendation in heterogeneous information networks using context dependent factor models., и . WWW, стр. 643-654. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee / ACM, (2013)Cohort Representation and Exploration., , и . DSAA, стр. 169-178. IEEE, (2018)Languages for Multi-database Interoperability., , , , и . SIGMOD Conference, стр. 536-538. ACM Press, (1997)Tables as a Paradigm for Querying and Restructuring., , и . PODS, стр. 93-103. ACM Press, (1996)Optimal recommendations under attraction, aversion, and social influence., , , и . KDD, стр. 811-820. ACM, (2014)