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Double Growing Neural Gas for Disease Diagnosis., и . ANNIMAB, стр. 309-314. Springer, (2000)Multi-class fruit classification using RGB-D data for indoor robots., , , и . ROBIO, стр. 587-592. IEEE, (2013)Collaborative Mapping with Pose Uncertainties using different Radio Frequencies and Communication Modules., , , и . IROS, стр. 8209-8214. IEEE, (2019)Robust, Real-Time Number Sign Detection on a Mobile Outdoor Robot., , , , и . ECMR, стр. 145-152. Learning Systems Lab, AASS, Örebro University, (2011)FourierNet: Compact Mask Representation for Instance Segmentation Using Differentiable Shape Decoders., , и . ICPR, стр. 7833-7840. IEEE, (2020)Distilling Stereo Networks for Performant and Efficient Leaner Networks., , и . IJCNN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Empirically Explaining SGD from a Line Search Perspective., и . ICANN (2), том 12892 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 459-471. Springer, (2021)HyperPosePDF Hypernetworks Predicting the Probability Distribution on SO(3)., , , и . WACV, стр. 2368-2378. IEEE, (2023)Indoor Positioning via Three Different RF Technologies, , , , , , , , и . 4th European Workshop on RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech 2008), 209, Freiburg, Germany, VDE Verlag, (июня 2008)Comprehensive Analysis of the Object Detection Pipeline on UAVs., , и . Remote. Sens., 14 (21): 5508 (2022)