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A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR Path Reuse in Real-Time., , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Courses, page 1:1-1:38. ACM, (2023)Interactive backprojected soft shadows with an occlusion camera shadow map., and . SIGGRAPH Posters, page 179. ACM, (2007)Hierarchical caustic maps.. SI3D, page 163-171. ACM, (2008)Voxel-space ambient occlusion., , and . SI3D, ACM, (2010)Introduction to real-time ray tracing., , and . SIGGRAPH Courses, page 13:1-13:155. ACM, (2019)Perceptually-based foveated virtual reality., , , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, page 17:1-17:2. ACM, (2016)HFTS: hybrid frustum-traced shadows in "the division"., and . SIGGRAPH Talks, page 13:1-13:2. ACM, (2016)Stochastic layered alpha blending.. SIGGRAPH Talks, page 37:1-37:2. ACM, (2016)Interactive refractions with total internal reflection., and . Graphics Interface, volume 234 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 185-190. ACM Press, (2007)Interactive Caustics Using Local Precomputed Irradiance., , and . PG, page 143-151. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)