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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Exploring Privacy Concerns about Personal Sensing., , , , und . Pervasive, Volume 5538 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 176-183. Springer, (2009)Taking our Time: Chronic Illness and Time-Based Objects in Families., , und . CSCW, Seite 288-301. ACM, (2015)Theory is in the Eye of the Beholder: Exploring Difficulties with Validating Intervention Mechanisms: Theory is in the Eye of the Beholder., , , , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 401:1-401:6. ACM, (2021)Descriptive analysis of physical activity conversations on Twitter., , , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 1555-1560. ACM, (2011)Designing Supportive Mobile Technology for Stable Diabetes., und . HCI (10), Volume 8013 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 361-370. Springer, (2013)Data-driven Interpretable Policy Construction for Personalized Mobile Health., , , und . ICDH, Seite 13-22. IEEE, (2022)Enhanced Social Cognitive Theory Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Towards Improving the Estimation of "Just-In-Time" States., , , , und . ACC, Seite 468-473. IEEE, (2022)Flowers or a robot army?: encouraging awareness & activity with personal, mobile displays., , , , , , , , und . UbiComp, Volume 344 von ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Seite 54-63. ACM, (2008)Model Predictive Control Strategies for Optimized mHealth Interventions for Physical Activity., , , , und . ACC, Seite 1392-1397. IEEE, (2022)Translating Behavioral Theory into Technological Interventions: Case Study of an mHealth App to Increase Self-reporting of Substance-Use Related Data., , , , , , , , , und 4 andere Autor(en). CoRR, (2020)