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Losing It Online: Characterizing Participation in an Online Weight Loss Community., , , , , , , , and . GROUP, page 35-45. ACM, (2014)Model Personalization in Behavioral Interventions using Model-on-Demand Estimation and Discrete Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation., , , and . ACC, page 671-676. IEEE, (2022)System identification of Just Walk: A behavioral mHealth intervention for promoting physical activity., , , , , , and . ACC, page 116-121. IEEE, (2017)Helping Users Set Rules for Defining Short-Term Activity Goals., , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 2178-2184. ACM, (2016)Researcher-Centered Design of Statistics: Why Bayesian Statistics Better Fit the Culture and Incentives of HCI., , and . CHI, page 4521-4532. ACM, (2016)Developing and Validating the User Burden Scale: A Tool for Assessing User Burden in Computing Systems., , , and . CHI, page 3988-3999. ACM, (2016)Toward Usable Evidence: Optimizing Knowledge Accumulation in HCI Research on Health Behavior Change., , , , and . CHI, page 3071-3082. ACM, (2017)Programming tool of context-aware applications for behavior change., , , and . UbiComp Adjunct, page 91-94. ACM, (2014)Self-Experimentation for Behavior Change: Design and Formative Evaluation of Two Approaches., , , , , and . CHI, page 6837-6849. ACM, (2017)Supporting Coping with Parkinson's Disease Through Self Tracking., , , , , , and . CHI, page 107. ACM, (2019)