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Snapshots versus movies: `Lifecycle biases' and the estimation of intergenerational earnings inheritance. European Economic Review, 31 (5): 1149--1158 (июля 1987)A Motion Planning Approach for Marsupial Robotic Systems., , , , , и . IROS, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2018)How Much Income Mobility is There in Britain?, и . The Economic Journal, 108 (447): 428-443 (1998)triple-s XML: A Standard Within a Standard, , и . Social Science Computer Review, 18 (4): 421-433 (2000)THE DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH: MEASUREMENT AND MODELS. Journal of Economic Surveys, 4 (4): 329--360 (335 12 1990)doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6419.1990.tb00092.x.Did the middle class shrink during the 1980s?: UK evidence from kernel density estimates. Economics Letters, 49 (4): 407--413 (октября 1995)RANKING INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS WHEN NEEDS DIFFER, и . Review of Income and Wealth, 39 (4): 337-356 (1993)Earnings discrimination measurement : A distributional approach. Journal of Econometrics, 61 (1): 81--102 (марта 1994)Trends in income inequality, pro-poor income growth and income mobility, и . 2003-11. IRISS at CEPS/INSTEAD, (октября 2003)Examining the impact of macro-economic conditions on income inequality, и . Discussion paper series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit IZA, Bonn, (2001)