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Detection of multiple input bridging and stuck-on faults in CMOS logic circuits using current monitoring., and . EURO-DAC, page 350-354. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)Automated Quantum Circuit Synthesis and Cost Estimation for the Binary Welded Tree Oracle., , and . ACM J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst., 13 (4): 51:1-51:14 (2017)PAGE: Domain-Incremental Adaptation with Past-Agnostic Generative Replay for Smart Healthcare., and . CoRR, (2024)Synthesis of Algorithm-Based Fault-Tolerant Systems from Dependence Graphs., and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 4 (8): 864-874 (1993)Fully Dynamic Inference with Deep Neural Networks., , , and . CoRR, (2020)A Secure User Interface for Web Applications Running Under an Untrusted Operating System., , and . CIT, page 865-870. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Dynamic Binary Instrumentation-Based Framework for Malware Defense., , and . DIMVA, volume 5137 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 64-87. Springer, (2008)A system-level perspective for efficient NoC design., , , and . IPDPS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2008)High-level synthesis using computation-unit integrated memories., , , and . ICCAD, page 783-790. IEEE Computer Society / ACM, (2004)COFTA: Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Heterogeneous Distributed Embedded System Architectures for Low Overhead Fault Tolerance., and . FTCS, page 339-348. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)