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Goal Programming Approaches to Support Vector Machines.

, , , and . KES, volume 2773 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 356-363. Springer, (2003)

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Prediction of Business Failure by Total Margin Support Vector Machines., , , and . KES, volume 3213 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 441-448. Springer, (2004)Design and Implementation of Cluster-Based Routing Protocol Using Message Success Rate in Sensor Networks., and . HPCC, page 622-627. IEEE, (2011)Hardware Transactional Memory Based on Abort Prediction and Adaptive Retry Policy for Multi-Core In-Memory Databases., , , , and . BigComp, page 367-374. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Intelligent Context-Aware System Architecture in Pervasive Computing Environment., , and . ISPA, page 745-750. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Linear Function Based Transformation Scheme for Preserving Database Privacy in Cloud Computing., , , and . ICPADS, page 498-503. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Total Margin Algorithms in Support Vector Machines., , and . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 87-D (5): 1223-1230 (2004)A Density-Aware Data Encryption Scheme with Query Auditing Index for Secure Mobile Services., , and . MUE/FutureTech, volume 448 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 379-385. (2017)A New Grid-Based Cloaking Scheme for Continuous Queries in Centralized LBS Systems., , , and . MUE, volume 240 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 345-352. Springer, (2013)TAKDSR: Teacher Assistant Knowledge Distillation Framework for Graphics Image Super-Resolution., , and . IEEE Access, (2023)A Signature-Based Data Security Technique for Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , and . Int. J. Distributed Sens. Networks, (2014)