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Multiple criteria decision making with generalized DEA and an aspiration level method., , и . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 158 (3): 697-706 (2004)Multi-objective Model Predictive Control., , и . MCDM, том 634 из Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, стр. 277-287. Springer, (2008)Multiclass piecewise-linear SVMs based on division of data space for determining the reinforcement degrees of large-scale structures., , и . IJCNN, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2024)Evolutionary multi-objective optimization using expected improvement and generalized DEA., , и . SMC, стр. 663-668. IEEE, (2011)Evaluation of sewerage systems using data envelopment analysis., , , и . SCIS&ISIS, стр. 733-737. IEEE, (2012)A generalized model for data envelopment analysis., , и . Eur. J. Oper. Res., 157 (1): 87-105 (2004)Prediction of Business Failure by Total Margin Support Vector Machines., , , и . KES, том 3213 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 441-448. Springer, (2004)Multiclass Support Vector Machines for Determination of Reinforcement Degree in Constructing Large-scale Structures Based on Data Characteristics., , , , и . SMC, стр. 1513-1518. IEEE, (2021)Total Margin Algorithms in Support Vector Machines., , и . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 87-D (5): 1223-1230 (2004)Multiclass piecewise-linear SVMs with the restricted feasible region for the reinforcement degrees in constructing large-scale structures., , , и . Knowl. Based Syst., (2024)