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Experimento Exploratorio para la Validación de Medidas para Modelos de Procesos de Negocio., , , and . JIISIC, page 283-292. Facultad de Ciencias e Ingeniería and Departamento de Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, (2007)Evaluation of BPMN Models Quality - A Family of Experiments., , , , , and . ENASE, page 56-63. INSTICC Press, (2008)Validando la Usabilidad y Mantenibilidad de los Modelos de Procesos de Negocio: un Experimento y su Réplica., , , and . CIbSE, page 63-76. (2007)SMT: Software Measurement Tool., , and . JISBD, page 418-421. (2009)Filtering spam at e-mail server level with improved CRM114., , , and . WOSIS, page 207-216. INSTICC Press, (2004)Eliminating False Sharing in Cache Coherence Protocols for Parallel and Distributed File Systems: The ParFiSys Approach., , , , and . Euro-PDS, page 31-37. IASTED/ACTA Press, (1997)Dispatching Requests in Partially Replicated Web Clusters - An Adaptation of the LARD Algorithm., , , , , and . WEBIST (1), page 141-149. INSTICC Press, (2007)Implementing Software Measurement Programs in Non Mature Small Settings., , and . IWSM/Mensura, volume 4895 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 154-167. Springer, (2007)Does maintainability relate to the energy consumption of software? A case study., , and . Softw. Qual. J., 29 (1): 101-127 (2021)A Flexible Multiagent Parallel File System for Clusters., , , , and . International Conference on Computational Science, volume 2660 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 248-256. Springer, (2003)