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Other publications of authors with the same name

Quality Attributes for COTS Components, and . I+D Computación, 1 (2): 128--144 (November 2002)Green Software Measurement., and . Green in Software Engineering, Springer, (2015)Measuring the usability of software components, , and . Journal of Systems and Software, 79 (3): 427 - 439 (2006)Un análisis de la Calidad en Uso de los Componentes Software utilizando Redes Bayesianas., , , and . JISBD, page 373-386. (2009)Expressing Confidence in Models and in Model Transformation Elements., , , and . MoDELS, page 57-66. ACM, (2018)A systematic literature review for software sustainability measures., , and . GREENS, page 46-53. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Measuring the Quality of Assessment Using Questions Generated from the Semantic Web., , and . AIED (1), volume 10947 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 57-69. Springer, (2018)Medidas de Usabilidad de Componentes Software., and . JISBD, page 211-220. Thomson, (2005)Sustainability and Quality: Icing on the Cake., , and . RE4SuSy@RE, volume 995 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2013)Quality in Use and Software Greenability., , , and . RE4SuSy@RE, volume 1216 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 28-36., (2014)