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Building Dynamic Image Collections from Internet.

, , , und . DH, Seite 156-158. Office for Humanities Communication and Centre for Computing in the Humanities, (2010)

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High-fidelity simulation of collective effects in electron beams using an innovative parallel method., , , , und . SummerSim, Seite 31:1-31:10. ACM, (2015)Harvesting social knowledge from folksonomies, , und . (2006)A Scalable Parallel Block Algorithm for Band Cholesky Factorization., , , und . PPSC, Seite 430-435. SIAM, (1995)Calibration of stochastic volatility models on a multi-core CPU cluster., und . WHPCF@SC, Seite 6:1-6:7. ACM, (2013)Database and digital library technologies: track chairs message., und . SAC, Seite 401. ACM, (2002)Optimizing a Multiple Right-Hand Side Dslash Kernel for Intel Knights Corner., , , , und . ISC Workshops, Volume 9945 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 390-401. (2016)A Flexible Framework for Content-Based Access Management for Federated Digital Libraries., , , , und . ECDL, Volume 3652 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 489-490. Springer, (2005)m-Cubes: An Efficient and Portable Implementation of Multi-dimensional Integration for GPUs., , , , , und . ISC, Volume 13289 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 192-209. Springer, (2022)Multiprocessor Architectures for High Speed Networks: A Performance Study., , , , , und . IFIP Congress (1), Volume A-12 von IFIP Transactions, Seite 645-651. North-Holland, (1992)A Mixed Precision Multicolor Point-Implicit Solver for Unstructured Grids on GPUs., , , und . IA3@SC, Seite 23-30. IEEE, (2019)