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Siphon: overload traffic management using multi-radio virtual sinks in sensor networks., , , and . SenSys, page 116-129. ACM, (2005)Challenges to building Bluetooth-based sensing solutions., and . BODYNETS, page 6. ICST, (2009)On the performance of Bluetooth and IEEE 802.15.4 radios in a body area network., , and . BODYNETS, page 25. ICST, (2008)Exploiting Heterogeneity for Sensor Network Security., , and . SECON, page 591-593. IEEE, (2008)Edge Processing and Enterprise Integration: Closing the Gap on Deployable Industrial Sensor Networks., , , , , , , and . SECON, page 620-630. IEEE, (2007)A case for all-wireless, dual-radio virtual sinks., , and . SenSys, page 267-268. ACM, (2004)CODA + PSFQ + virtual sinks = enabling technologies for resilient sensor networking., , and . SenSys, page 308. ACM, (2004)CODA: congestion detection and avoidance in sensor networks., , and . SenSys, page 266-279. ACM, (2003)Capturing Customer Browsing Insights through RFID Tag Motion Detection in High Tag Density Environments., , and . RFID, page 1-8. IEEE, (2020)Intel mote 2: an advanced platform for demanding sensor network applications., , , , , , , and . SenSys, page 298. ACM, (2005)