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Service Emergence based on Relationship among Self-Organizing Entities., , , , и . SAINT, стр. 194-203. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Giving context to sounds through mediation of physical objects., , и . UbiComp (Adjunct Publication), стр. 91-94. ACM, (2013)Concept, Design, and Implementation of Context-handling Architecture for Adaptive Networking Services., , , и . Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, стр. 75-81. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2002)Missing Data Imputation Using Regression Tree Model for Sparse Data Collected via Wide Area Ubiquitous Network., , , , и . SAINT, стр. 189-192. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A Distributed Topic-Based Pub/Sub Method for Exhaust Data Streams towards Scalable Event-Driven Systems., , , , , и . COMPSAC, стр. 311-320. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)uTupleSpace: A Bi-Directional Shared Data Space for Wide-Area Sensor Network., , , , , , и . PDCAT, стр. 396-401. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Comparison of subscriber assignment methods on scalable distributed Pub/Sub systems., , , , и . APCC, стр. 632. IEEE, (2015)Associating Items with Scenes Identified in Social Q&A Data., , и . WISE Workshops, том 7652 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 187-200. Springer, (2012)Revealing Associations between Events and Their Characteristic Items., , , и . Web Intelligence, стр. 243-248. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Adaptive Creation of Network Applications in the Jack-in-the-Net Architecture., , , , и . NETWORKING, том 2345 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 129-140. Springer, (2002)