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Navigation Style Classification Using Persistent Homology., , , , и . SII, стр. 161-164. IEEE, (2022)Estimation of user interest using time delay features between proactive content presentation and eye movements., , , и . ACII, стр. 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Agent-assisted multi-viewpoint video viewer and its gaze-based evaluation., , , , , и . GazeIn@ICMI, стр. 29-34. ACM, (2013)Face Recognition Based on Efficient Facial Scale Estimation., , и . AMDO, том 2492 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 201-212. Springer, (2002)Pointedness of an Image: Measuring How Pointy an Image is Perceived., , , , , , , и . HCI (37), том 1419 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 137-144. Springer, (2021)Estimation of Driver's Insight for Safe Passing based on Pedestrian Attributes., , , , , , и . ITSC, стр. 1041-1046. IEEE, (2018)Imageability Estimation using Visual and Language Features., , , , , , , и . ICMR, стр. 306-310. ACM, (2020)Similar Seasonal-Geo-Region Mining Based on Visual Concepts in Social Media Photos., , , , , , и . BigMM, стр. 86-93. IEEE, (2019)Toward Describing Human Gaits by Onomatopoeias., , , , , , и . ICCV Workshops, стр. 1573-1580. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Model-based Reminiscence: Guiding Mental Time Travel by Cognitive Modeling., , , и . HAI, стр. 341-344. ACM, (2016)