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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Limited Memory Eigenvector Recursive Principal Component Analysis in Sensor-Cloud Based Adaptive Operational Modal Online Identification., , , und . SpaCCS Workshops, Volume 11637 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 119-129. Springer, (2019)The application of BIM technology in the research on seismic performance of shear wall structure of prefabricated residential buildings., und . Int. J. Crit. Infrastructures, 18 (1): 32-44 (2022)Correlated Differential Privacy Protection for Mobile Crowdsensing., , , und . IEEE Trans. Big Data, 7 (4): 784-795 (2021)High-Accuracy Visible Light Positioning Algorithm Using Single LED Lamp With a Beacon., , , und . IEEE Access, (2024)TAERT: Triple-Attentional Explainable Recommendation with Temporal Convolutional Network., , , , , und . Inf. Sci., (2021)Leveraging Context-Aware Prompting for Commit Message Generation., , , und . EMNLP, Seite 13522-13540. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2024)Efficient high-throughput architectures for high-speed parallel scramblers., , und . ISCAS, Seite 441-444. IEEE, (2010)Dilated Recurrent Neural Network for Short-time Prediction of Glucose Concentration., , , , und . KDH@IJCAI, Volume 2148 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Seite 69-73., (2018)Knowledge Distillation via Entropy Map for Scene Text Detection., , , und . ICCSE, Seite 506-511. IEEE, (2021)Participant-Density-Aware Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Statistics for Mobile Crowd-Sensing., , , und . ICPADS, Seite 140-147. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)