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OpenStack Security Modules: A Least-Invasive Access Control Framework for the Cloud., , , , , and . CLOUD, page 51-58. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)TProv: Towards a Trusted Provenance-Aware Service Based on Trusted Computing., , , and . ICWS, volume 10966 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 67-83. Springer, (2018)Container-IMA: A privacy-preserving Integrity Measurement Architecture for Containers., , , and . RAID, page 487-500. USENIX Association, (2019)Training Time Minimization in Quantized Federated Edge Learning under Bandwidth Constraint., , , , , , , and . WCNC, page 530-535. IEEE, (2022)Efficient User Selection and Generalized Beamforming for Multi-User MIMO Downlink., , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2008)Energy Efficient Downlink Transmission for Multi-cell Massive DAS with Pilot Contamination., , , , and . CoRR, (2016)Power minimization of multiaccess MIMO systems with rate constraint and finite-rate feedback., , , , and . CISS, page 488-493. IEEE, (2009)Capacity bounds of MIMO channels with asymmetric channel state information at transmitter., , , , and . IEEE Communications Letters, 13 (8): 564-566 (2009)CloudCoT: A Blockchain-Based Cloud Service Dependency Attestation Framework., , , and . ICICS, volume 11999 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 584-599. Springer, (2019)Chinese Word Segmentation for Agriculture., , , and . J. Softw., 8 (5): 1219-1226 (2013)