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Case-based Reasoning Systems for Knowledge Mediation., , и . INTERACT, стр. 425-433. IOS Press, (1999)From Formal Models to Formal Methods., и . ICSE Workshop on SE-HCI, том 896 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 159-173. Springer, (1994)Interaction and Task Requirements., и . DSV-IS, стр. 54-75. Springer, (1995)Considering Context and Users in Interactive Systems Analysis., и . EHCI/DS-VIS, том 4940 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 193-209. Springer, (2007)Formal Verification of Safety-Critical User Interfaces: a space system case study., , , и . AAAI Spring Symposia, AAAI Press, (2014)Integrating Joint Behaviour and Dialogue Description., и . DSV-IS, стр. 293-308. Springer, (1998)A representational approach to the specification of presentations., и . DSV-IS, стр. 273-290. Springer, (1997)Preface., и . ECEASST, (2009)Prelog - a System for Presenting and Rendering Logic Specifications of Interactive Systems., и . Eurographics, North-Holland / Eurographics Association, (1990)Declarative Graphics And Dynamic Interaction., и . Eurographics, стр. 195-208. North-Holland / Eurographics Association, (1991)