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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

IP Packet Loss Compensation Scheme with Bicast and Forwarding for Handover in Mobile Communications., , , und . PIMRC, Seite 1-5. IEEE, (2006)Multiband received signal strength fingerprint based location system., , und . PIMRC, Seite 1893-1897. IEEE, (2009)Adaptive equalization system for visible light wireless communication utilizing multiple white LED lighting equipment., , , und . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 8 (6): 2892-2900 (2009)Distributed antenna system using RAKE combining diversity for a multi-carrier DS/CDMA in a frequency selective fading channel., und . PIMRC, Seite 1490-1494. IEEE, (2000)Indoor multi-base stations system with simultaneous transmission using OFDM adaptive array antenna., und . PIMRC, Seite 1241-1245. IEEE, (2000)Joint Transmission for Space Time Block Coded TD-SCDMA., , und . PIMRC, Seite 387-391. IEEE, (2005)Pre-Rake System Applied with Frequency Domain Equalization In Multi-Code TDD-CDMA., und . PIMRC, Seite 447-451. IEEE, (2005)International cooperative research and development of wireless personal communications in Asian-Pacific countries., und . IEEE Wirel. Commun., 4 (2): 6-12 (1997)System performance of DS/SS inter-vehicle communication and ranging system under Rician fading channel., und . PIMRC, Seite 476-480. IEEE, (1998)Power control and sector antennas for improved DS/SS inter-vehicle communication., und . PIMRC, Seite 921-925. IEEE, (1998)