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Content-Based Image Retrieval System Using Neural Networks., and . Int. J. Neural Syst., 10 (5): 417-424 (2000)A Funny Proverb Generation System Based on Sukashi., and . ICANN (3), volume 6354 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 368-377. Springer, (2010)Visual Shape Recognition Neural Network Using BESOM Model., and . ICANN (3), volume 6354 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 102-105. Springer, (2010)Neural associative memory for intelligent information processing., and . KES (2), page 377-386. IEEE, (1998)Chaotic multidirectional associative memory., , and . ICNN, page 1210-1215. IEEE, (1997)A feeling estimation system using a simple electroencephalograph., and . SMC, page 4204-4209. IEEE, (2003)Multi-winners self-organizing episodic associative memory., and . SMC, page 3635-3640. IEEE, (1998)Color-illustration generation system from facial image., and . SMC, page 1199-1204. IEEE, (2001)Natural Language Processing Neural Network for Recall and Inference., and . ICANN (3), volume 6354 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 286-289. Springer, (2010)An improved Internet-based melanoma screening system with dermatologist-like tumor area extraction algorithm., , , , , , and . Comput. Medical Imaging Graph., 32 (7): 566-579 (2008)