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A 1.8V 30nJ adaptive program-voltage (20V) generator for 3D-integrated NAND flash SSD., , , , , , и . ISSCC, стр. 238-239. IEEE, (2009)x11 performance increase, x6.9 endurance enhancement, 93% energy reduction of 3D TSV-integrated hybrid ReRAM/MLC NAND SSDs by data fragmentation suppression., , , , , и . VLSIC, стр. 134-135. IEEE, (2012)0.6 V operation, 16 % faster set/reset ReRAM boost converter with adaptive buffer voltage for ReRAM and NAND flash hybrid solid-state drives., , и . ISQED, стр. 81-86. IEEE, (2017)Robust VLSI circuit design & systems for sustainable society., , , , и . ISSCC, стр. 500-501. IEEE, (2012)7.7 Enterprise-grade 6x fast read and 5x highly reliable SSD with TLC NAND-flash memory for big-data storage., , , , , и . ISSCC, стр. 1-3. IEEE, (2015)Versatile TLC NAND flash memory control to reduce read disturb errors by 85% and extend read cycles by 6.7-times of Read-Hot and Cold data for cloud data centers., , и . VLSI Circuits, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2016)Word-line batch Vth modulation of TLC NAND flash memories for both write-hot and cold data., и . A-SSCC, стр. 161-164. IEEE, (2017)Inductor design of 20-V boost converter for low power 3D solid state drive with NAND flash memories., , , , , , и . ISLPED, стр. 87-92. ACM, (2009)Self-Determining Resource Control in Multi-Tenant Data Center Storage with Future NV Memories., и . ISCAS, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2019)Silicon 3D-integration technology and systems., , , , , , , , , и . ISSCC, стр. 510-511. IEEE, (2010)