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Toward Shared Working Space of Human and Robotic Agents Through Dipole Flow Field for Dependable Path Planning., , and . Frontiers Neurorobotics, (2018)GMP: A Genetic Mission Planner for Heterogeneous Multirobot System Applications., , , and . IEEE Trans. Cybern., 52 (10): 10627-10638 (2022)Petri Net Based Navigation Planning with Dipole Field and Dynamic Window Approach for Collision Avoidance., , and . CoDIT, page 1013-1018. IEEE, (2019)Augmented Reality-based Industrial Robot Control., , and . SIGRAD, volume 65 of Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, page 113-114. Linköping University Electronic Press, (2011)A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Multi-Agent Mission Planning Problems., , , and . ICORES (Selected Papers), volume 1162 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 109-134. Springer, (2019)Synthesis and Verification of Mission Plans for Multiple Autonomous Agents under Complex Road Conditions., , , , , , , and . ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., 33 (7): 173:1-173:46 (September 2024)A model of the summation pools within the layer 4 (area 17)., and . Neurocomputing, (2005)Towards robust human robot collaboration in industrial environments., , , and . HRI, page 71-72. ACM, (2010)A general framework for incremental processing of multimodal inputs., , , and . ICMI, page 225-228. ACM, (2011)Spike and Burst Synchronization in a Detailed Cortical Network Model with I-F Neurons., and . ICANN, volume 2130 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1095-1102. Springer, (2001)