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SensoTrust: Trustworthy Domains in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , and . IJDSN, (2015)Adaptive Autonomy Paves the Way for Disruptive Innovations in Advanced Robotics., , and . ERCIM News, (2017)An Associated Representation Method for Defining Agricultural Cases in a Case-Based Reasoning System for Fast Case Retrieval., , , and . Sensors, 19 (23): 5118 (2019)A Mission Planning Approach for Precision Farming Systems Based on Multi-Objective Optimization., , , and . Sensors, 18 (6): 1795 (2018)A modular middleware approach for exergaming., , , and . ICCE-Berlin, page 169-173. IEEE, (2016)Underwater Wireless Sensor Network-Based Delaunay Triangulation (UWSN-DT) Algorithm for Sonar Map Fusion., , , , , and . Comput. J., 67 (5): 1699-1709 (2024)A Novel Intrusion Detection and Prevention Scheme for Network Coding-Enabled Mobile Small Cells., , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Comput. Social Systems, 6 (6): 1467-1477 (2019)Geographical and Topology Control based Opportunistic Routing for Ad Hoc Networks., , , and . CoRR, (2019)The AFarCloud ECSEL Project., , , , , , , , and . DSD, page 414-419. IEEE, (2019)A multi functional plug-in for exergames., , , and . ISCE, page 1-3. IEEE, (2015)