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Ultra Dependable Processor., , and . IEICE Trans. Electron., 91-C (9): 1386-1393 (2008)Scene identification in news video by character region segmentation., , , and . ACM Multimedia Workshops, page 195-200. ACM Press, (2000)Associating video with related documents., , , and . ACM Multimedia (2), page 17-20. ACM, (1999)Utilization of SECDED for soft error and variation-induced defect tolerance in caches., , , and . DATE, page 1134-1139. EDA Consortium, San Jose, CA, USA, (2007)Stochastic Iterative Approximation: Software/hardware techniques for adjusting aggressiveness of approximation., , , , and . ICCD, page 74-82. IEEE, (2021)Multimedia Integration for Cooking Video Indexing., , , , , and . PCM (2), volume 3332 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 657-664. Springer, (2004)Message-based efficient remote memory access on a highly parallel computer EM-X., , , , and . ISPAN, page 135-142. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Improving Conditional Branch Prediction on Speculative Multithreading Architectures., , , and . Euro-Par, volume 2150 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 413-417. Springer, (2001)Multi-Tree Network Protocol Enabling System Partitioning for Shape-Changeable Computer System., , , and . CF, ACM, (2024)Experience with Executing Shared Memory Programs using Fine-Grain Communication and Multithreading in EM-4., , , and . IPPS, page 630-636. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)