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Timed circuits: a new paradigm for high-speed design., , , , and . ASP-DAC, page 335-340. ACM, (2001)Evaluating the impact of Undetected Disk Errors in RAID systems., , , , , and . DSN, page 83-92. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Verification of Delayed-Reset Domino Circuits Using ATACS., , and . ASYNC, page 3-12. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)STOW: A Spatially and Temporally Optimized Write Caching Algorithm., , , and . USENIX ATC, USENIX Association, (2009)A low latency and low power dynamic Carry Save Adder., , , , , , , and . ISCAS (2), page 477-480. IEEE, (2004)Energy proportionality for storage: impact and feasibility., , , , and . ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 44 (1): 35-39 (2010)Mercury: bringing efficiency to key-value stores., , , , and . SYSTOR, page 6:1-6:6. ACM, (2013)Verification of Timed Systems Using POSETs., and . CAV, volume 1427 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 403-415. Springer, (1998)Timed Circuit Synthesis Using Implicit Methods., , and . VLSI Design, page 181-188. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)GAUL: Gestalt Analysis of Unstructured Logs for Diagnosing Recurring Problems in Large Enterprise Storage Systems., , , and . SRDS, page 148-159. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)